Upper Extremity Neuro-MSK Normal Physical Exam

INSPECTION: Upper extremities symmetric, normal contours, no abnormal positioning. No signs of swelling, deformity, or lesions.
VASCULAR: Brachioradialis 2+ BL. Capillary refill brisk BL. No signs of clubbing. Extremities warm, and pink in color.
PALPATION: No signs of swelling, tenderness, bogginess, or bony enlargement of the lateral and medial epicondyles, olecranon processes, ulnar nerves, distal radii and ulnas, radial styloids, anatomical snuffboxes, carpal bones, metacarpals, MCP joints, PIP and DIP joints BL.
STRENGTH: Elbow extension and flexion 5/5 BL, wrist extension and flexion 5/5 BL, Thumb opposition 5/5 BL, finger flexion 5/5 BL, finger abduction 5/5 BL
NEURO: Sensation intact to light and sharp touch of the BL UE.
SPECIAL TESTS: Carpal compression test negative BL, Tinel’s sign negative BL, Phalen’s sign negative BL, Finkelstein negative BL.
INSPECTION: Upper extremities symmetric, normal contours, no abnormal positioning. No signs of swelling, deformity, or lesions.
VASCULAR: Brachioradialis 2+ BL. Capillary refill brisk BL. No signs of clubbing. Extremities warm, and pink in color.
PALPATION: No signs of swelling, tenderness, bogginess, or bony enlargement of the lateral and medial epicondyles, olecranon processes, ulnar nerves, distal radii and ulnas, radial styloids, anatomical snuffboxes, carpal bones, metacarpals, MCP joints, PIP and DIP joints BL.
STRENGTH: Elbow extension and flexion 5/5 BL, wrist extension and flexion 5/5 BL, Thumb opposition 5/5 BL, finger flexion 5/5 BL, finger abduction 5/5 BL
NEURO: Sensation intact to light and sharp touch of the BL UE.
SPECIAL TESTS: Carpal compression test negative BL, Tinel’s sign negative BL, Phalen’s sign negative BL, Finkelstein negative BL.

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