Headache History

Onset [text] prior to evaluation
Onset while:  [text]

Associated Pain (0=none, 10=severe)
Location: [text]
Radiation: [text]
Severity now (0-10): [text]
Severity at worst (0-10): [text]
Duration: [text]
Characterized as [text].

Pain modifiers
Relieved with [text]
Worse with [text]
[select value="no|YES"] <-- worse with bright light exposure.

Associated Symptoms:
[select value="no|YES"] <-- nausea/vomiting
[select value="no|YES"] <-- preceding aura before the headache (e.g. vision change, scotomata)
[select value="no|YES"] <-- blurred vision
[select value="no|YES"] <-- fever
[select value="no|YES"] <-- sinus pressure or nasal drainage
[select value="no|YES"] <-- extremity weakness
[textarea memo="details"]

[select value="no|YES"] <-- missed days of work or school 
[select value="no|YES"] <-- missed life events
[select value="no|YES"] <-- avoidance of activities
[select value="no|YES"] <-- emergency room visits
[textarea memo="details"]

Pertinent PMH
[select value="no|YES"] <-- Migraine Headache
[select value="no|YES"] <-- frequent Sinusitis
[select value="no|YES"] <-- Glaucoma
[select value="no|YES"] <-- Head Trauma
[select value="no|YES"] <-- Serious CNS risks (e.g. active cancer, immunosuppression, HIV)
[select value="no|YES"] <-- Exposures (e.g. Tick bites, carbon monoxide)
[textarea memo="details"]

[select value="no|YES"] <-- Family history of cerebral aneurysm or stroke

[checkbox memo="display/hide references" name="footnotes" value=""][conditional field="footnotes" condition="(footnotes).is('')"]
reference:  contributed by Dr. Scott Moses, creator/author of the Family Practice Notebook [link url="http://www.fpnotebook.com" memo="website"][/conditional]
Onset prior to evaluation
Onset while:

Associated Pain (0=none, 10=severe)
Severity now (0-10):
Severity at worst (0-10):
Characterized as .

Pain modifiers
Relieved with
Worse with
<-- worse with bright light exposure.

Associated Symptoms:
<-- nausea/vomiting
<-- preceding aura before the headache (e.g. vision change, scotomata)
<-- blurred vision
<-- fever
<-- sinus pressure or nasal drainage
<-- extremity weakness

<-- missed days of work or school
<-- missed life events
<-- avoidance of activities
<-- emergency room visits

Pertinent PMH
<-- Migraine Headache
<-- frequent Sinusitis
<-- Glaucoma
<-- Head Trauma
<-- Serious CNS risks (e.g. active cancer, immunosuppression, HIV)
<-- Exposures (e.g. Tick bites, carbon monoxide)

<-- Family history of cerebral aneurysm or stroke

display/hide references

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