Headache/Migraine CO
Headache Onset [text] prior to evaluation Onset while: [text] Associated Pain (0=none, 10=severe) Location: [text] Radiation: [text] Severity now (0-10): [text] Severity at worst (0-10): [text] Duration: [text] Characterized as [text]. Pain modifiers Relieved with [text] Worse with [text] [select value="no|YES"] <-- worse with bright light exposure. Associated Symptoms: [select value="no|YES"] <-- nausea/vomiting [select value="no|YES"] <-- preceding aura before the headache (e.g. vision change, scotomata) [select value="no|YES"] <-- blurred vision [select value="no|YES"] <-- fever [select value="no|YES"] <-- sinus pressure or nasal drainage [select value="no|YES"] <-- extremity weakness [textarea memo="details"] Impact [select value="no|YES"] <-- missed days of work or school [select value="no|YES"] <-- missed life events [select value="no|YES"] <-- avoidance of activities [select value="no|YES"] <-- emergency room visits [textarea memo="details"] Pertinent PMH [select value="no|YES"] <-- Migraine Headache [select value="no|YES"] <-- frequent Sinusitis [select value="no|YES"] <-- Glaucoma [select value="no|YES"] <-- Head Trauma [select value="no|YES"] <-- Serious CNS risks (e.g. active cancer, immunosuppression, HIV) [select value="no|YES"] <-- Exposures (e.g. Tick bites, carbon monoxide, trauma, OCP) [textarea memo="details"] [select value="no|YES"] <-- Family history of cerebral aneurysm or stroke [OBJECTIVE: Vitals General: WDWN, NAD [text] HEENT: Normocephalic, EOMI, PERRLA [text] Heart: RRR, no murmurs, rubs or gallops [text] Lungs: CTAB[text] Neuro: CN 2-12 intact [text], no nystagmus, radial pulse 2+ b/l, MS 5/5 at the knee and elbow, gross sensation to light touch intact at C7/8, L3/4, gait is balanced and non antalgic [text] MSK: tightness [select value="noted|not noted"] at the trapezius, SCM, and cervical paraspinals. [select value= Decreased|Normal] ROM noted [text]. [Assessment/Plan Patient presents to clinic with [text] Differential Dx: [text] Tests:[text] Treatment: [text] Follow up: [text] Patient educated on [text] Next steps if no improvement: [text]
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