Provided education [checkbox value="Provided education  disease process and symptoim management |Instructed PCG to clean wound with NS/wound cleanser,apply Medhoney and cover with protective dressing 2x/wk and prn as ordered|educationprovided  to PCG on fall safety and Precaution|dvised PCG to elevate and offload heels with pillows while in bed to decrease swelling and turn to sides to prevent skin breakdown|Advised med techs and caregivers to frequently offer patient fluids and ensure to prevent dehydration and constipation| Instructed PCG with Aspiration Safety|Pain management and importance of timely medication administartion|RN provided safety instructions, physical comfort, structural and emotional support during the visit. RN gave teachings regarding wound care and showed PCG the proper application of topical medication. PCG agrees with plan of care. |Fall risk education and oxygen safety education  provided to Caregiver and patient verbalize understanding|SN educated the patient and caregiver on how to operate the oxygen, medication teaching done.|Advised pt to call for help when getting up and always use her walker for safety to prevent fall-verbalized understandin|current treatment is effective|Reinforced safety teachings, aspiration precautions, fall preventive measures, infection control and covid 19 awareness.|teachback satisfactory.|Cargeiver and Patient verblaized understanding|Advised caregiver to notify Hospice ASAP with fall incidents and any significant changes-verbalized understanding and appreciated service|Caregiver was provided safety teachings, fall preventive measures, aspiration precautions, infection control and Covid 19 awareness and advised to notify Hospice team for any concern|educate1|educate2|intervention1|intervention2|intervention3|request1|request2|request3|Left patient safe and comfortable"]

Provided education

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