General: Well-appearing, appears a stated age, no acute distress HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. PERRLA, EOMI. TMs visualized bilaterally without erythema or bulging. Patent nares. Posterior oropharynx is clear of erythema or exudate. Neck: Supple, nontender, no anterior chain lymphadenopathy. Chest: Unremarkable chest wall without deformities. Cardio: Regular rate and rhythm, normal S1/S2. No murmurs, gallops, rubs. Pulm: Clear to auscultation bilaterally without wheezes. Able to speak in full sentences without shortness of breath. GI: Abdomen soft, nontender, nondistended. Normal bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants. GU: Deferred MSK: Musculoskeletal strength is 5/5 in bilateral upper and lower extremities. Hips appear to be level. Adams test is negative for curvature of spine. No physical abnormalities noted. Skin: Warm, pink, dry. No remarkable skin lesions or rashes. Neuro: Sensation is intact bilaterally. Cranial nerves II-XII are intact. Psych: Cooperative, appropriate, pleasant affect.
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