# Acute Hypoxic/Hypercarbic *** Respiratory Failure 2/2 ***
# Acute Hypoxic/Hypercarbic *** Respiratory Failure 2/2 *** Checklist -- ABCs: *** pulse ox, ABG - does the patient need to go to the ICU for monitoring or be intubated in the near-term -- Chart Check: home O2 use, previous intubations, underlying pulm disease, right heart function (previous echo), meds, -- HPI Intake: *** -- Can't Miss: *** PE and right heart strain (may decompensate if intubated), ARDS (avoid barotrauma), tension PTX, opioid overdose, anaphylaxis, stroke, carbon-monoxide toxicity -- Admission Orders: CBC, BMP, ABG, EKG, continuous pulse ox, tele; consider trop, BNP, dimer, need for CT chest -- Initial Treatment to Consider: treat underlying etiology (diuresis, abx, steroids, vasodilators), consider need for HFNC Assessment: -- History: *** -- Clinical: *** SOB, cough, chest pain, somnolence, anxiety, headache, -- Exam: *** WOB (nasal flare, pursed lips, accessory muscle use, retraction, tripoding), secretions, rhonchi/wheezing, crackles, AMS -- Data: *** SpO2, ABG, lactate, CXR, cultures -- Etiology/DDx: Hypoxemia: edema, PNA, ARDS, PTX, PAH, PE; Hypercarbia: COPD, asthma bronchiectasis/CF, angioedema, OSA, laryngospasm, CNS depression (opioids, TBI, cerebral hernitation), resp muscle weakness; Tachypnea: acidosis, shock, anxiety The patient's HPI is notable for ***. Exam showed ***. Labwork and data were notable for ***. Taken together, the patient's presentation is most concerning for ***, with a differential including ***. Plan: Workup -- CT chest if unsure of underlying etiology -- Trend ABG/VBG, lactate -- Daily CXR Treatment -- Vent Settings: Vt: *** RR *** PEEP *** FiO2 ***; change *** to *** -- Sedation: RASS goal *** ; *** (propofol, dexmedetomidine/precedex, midazolam; refractory agitation - quetiapine, haldol ) -- Analgesia: *** (fentanyl 25-50mcg bolus, 50-200/h; dilaudid, morphine) -- Volume: *** -- Barriers for Extubation: *** (tx etiology, P:F>150, PEEP <=5, FiO2 <=0.4, pH>7.25, can cough, secretions, HD stable off pressors, ideally alert, follow commands) -- SAT/SBT *** (30-120 min SBT trials daily with PEEP <=5 - increase timing) -- Secretions: *** (nebs, acetylcysteine/mucomyst, glycopyrrolate, steroids) -- If expected intubation >14 days, discuss tracheostomy Presenting: The patient remains intubated due to *** (ARDS, PNA, COPD, AMS, etc) They have the following vent settings: *** (Mode / Tidal Volume / RR / PEEP / FiO2) On these settings, the ABG is *** (pH / pCO2 / paO2 / sat) The patient's oxygenation is *** (improving / worsening) and the CXR is *** (better / worse) To improve oxygenation I propose we *** (diurese, FiO2, PEEP, etc) To improve ventilation I propose we *** (RR, Vt, prone, etc) We should continue *** to treat *** We should send/follow up *** to further work up the etiology of respiratory failure. We are *** ready for spontaneous breathing trial today; limiting factors may include *** (oxygenation, ventilation, neuro status, airway). Current sedation is ***. We are *** at goal OR should make the following changes ***.
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