# Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
# *** Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Severity by P:F Ratio: -- Mild - 200-300 -- Moderate - 100-200 -- Severe - <100 Checklist -- ABCs: will most commonly be treated in the ICU; intubate early if needed -- Diagnosis: Berlin Definition - onset within 1 week of insult, not due to cardiogenic pulm edema, imaging shows bilateral opacities on CXR, PaO2:FiO2 (P:F) <300 with PEEP >5 -- Chart Check: *** h/o heart disease -- HPI Intake: *** -- Can't Miss: *** -- Admission Orders: *** CBC (infection), infectious workup, lipase, trop, NT-proBNP, -- Initial Treatment to Consider: *** can trial non-invasive ventilation if P:F >200, otherwise intubate Assessment: -- History: ***fever, medications, recent blood product, malignancy (chemo, checkpoint inhibitors, radiation, infection) -- Clinical: *** -- Exam: *** volume exam, crackles, localizing infectious -- Data: *** P:F ratio, ABG, CXR, POCUS vs formal echo to prove not cardiogenic etiology -- Etiology/DDx: *** Etiology: pneumonia/sepsis, pancreatitis, drugs, TRALI, inhalation injury, DAH 2/2 ANCA vasculitis, ILD exacerbation, COP, pneumonitis, ontusion, near drowning; Others - cardiogenic pulm edema, atelectasis, TACO The patient's HPI is notable for ***. Exam showed ***. Labwork and data were notable for ***. Taken together, the patient's presentation is most concerning for ***, with a differential including ***. Plan: Workup -- f/u Echo -- f/u CT chest for further characterization of infiltrates -- consider bronch for BAL if c/f DAH or opportunistic infection (PJP, aspergillus) -- trend ABG for P:F ratio calculations Treatment -- Ventilation: *** goal to maintain PaO2 55-80 or SpO2 88-94% with pH >7.2 to 7.25 (permissive hypercapnia) via: tidal volume 4-6cc/kg of predicted body weight; Pplat <30 - if higher, decrease Vt; Driving pressure <15 -- Volume: *** diurese with *** for goal of euvolemia -- Etiology: ** treat underyling sepsis/PNA, pancreatitis, etc. -- Steroids: *** methylpred 1mg/kg IV daily (early only; not after 14 days) vs dex for COVID -- Proning: goal for *** 16+ hours (P:F <150 with optimal PEEP should prone within 12-24h unless HD unstable, can’t turn neck, pregnant, recent sternotomy) -- Pulmonary Vasodilators: *** (iNO trial → inhaled epoprostenol) -- Neuromuscular Blockade: *** (if c/f dysynchrony) -- ECMO: *** candidacy (consider if P:F <100, chance of recovery or bridge to transplant)
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