Basic Template
Patient is a [text] YO [select value= "Select|M|F"] presents to clinic [select value="to establish care|for annual exam|complaining of"] [text default="sample text"]. [textarea default="Location: Onset: Trending: Quality: Severity: Sick contacts: ADLs: Palliative: Provoking: Previous episodes: Timing: Trigger: Trauma: Temp: Travel:"] [textarea default="Meds: Allergies: PMH: PSH: FH:"] SH: Tobacco: [text] Alcohol: [text] Drugs: [text] Diet: [text] Exercise: [text] Occupation: [text] Family: [text] OBJECTIVE: Vitals: General: WDWN, NAD HEENT: Normocephalic, EOMI, no scleral icterus, tympanic membranes intact b/l, no LAD [text] Neck: no thyromegaly or nodules [text] CV: RRR, no murmurs, rubs, or gallops. Radial/posterior tibial pulse 2+ b/l [text] Lung: CTAB [text] Abdomen: bowel sounds in all four quadrants, percussion tympanic throughtout, no tenderness to palpation in all 7 quadrants [text] Extremities: no lower extremity swelling [text] Neuro:CN II-XII intact, no nystagmus, muscle strength 5/5 at the knee and elbow, gross sensation to light touch at C6/7 and L3/4, patellar/biceps reflex 2+ b/l [text] Psych: normal affect [text] Assessment/Plan Patient presents to clinic [text] Differential Dx: [text] Tests:[text] Treatment: [text] Follow up: [text] Patient educated on [text] Next steps if no improvement: [textarea default="sample text"]
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