
- I explicitly stated the name of the patient's condition.  It is [text name="a0"].
- I explained that this condition [select name="a1" value="will|will not"] improve without treatment.
- I gave my recommendations for treatment.  They are [textarea name="a2" default="item(s)"]
- I answered the patient's questions.
- I recommended to follow up in [select name="a3" value="two weeks|one month|six weeks"] if the condition has not improved.
- I explicitly stated the name of the patient's condition. It is .
- I explained that this condition improve without treatment.
- I gave my recommendations for treatment. They are

- I answered the patient's questions.
- I recommended to follow up in if the condition has not improved.

Result - Copy and paste this output:

Sandbox Metrics: Structured Data Index 0.5, 4 form elements, 48 boilerplate words, 1 text boxes, 1 text areas, 2 drop downs, 4 total clicks
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