COI Intake

The Caregiver was displaying a mood that is [checkbox value="polite|neutral|agitated"], the CG explained that [select value="it is likely caused by|is is likely exacerbated by|they're feeling great!"] [checkbox value="lack of housing|a fear of losing housing|their overdue bills|internal family disputes|stress from Caregiver's job|behavioral issues with their child|missing their incarcerated loved one"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] 
The condition of the home seemed to be [select value="clean and organized|clean and disorganized|dirty but organized|dirty and unorganized"] and considering the client [select value="works full time|works part time|is currently unemployed"] this is [select value='understandable.|concerning and something that needs to be discussed.|impressive.'] 
The caregiver expressed a need for [checkbox value="clothing|counseling|childcare|food|new and adequate housing"][textarea memo="Other" rows="1"]. 
Regarding gun violence and gang activity, the Caregiver reported [checkbox value="witnessing gun violence this month|hearing gunshots|having been directly impacted but not injured by gun violence|having a family member injured or killed due to gun violence| no violence"][textarea memo="Follow up and plan." rows="1"]. [textarea rows="5"]
The Caregiver was displaying a mood that is , the CG explained that
The condition of the home seemed to be and considering the client this is
The caregiver expressed a need for
Regarding gun violence and gang activity, the Caregiver reported
Follow up and plan..

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