s| Diagnostic Grid
Diagnostic Impression Axis I: ?? Axis II: ?? Axis III: ?? Axis IV: ?? Axis V: GAF ?? *DEPRESSION* Depressed mood (x2 weeks) YES Depressed mood (x2 weeks) NO Decreased interest (x2 weeks) YES Decreased interest (x2 weeks) NO Details: ?? Weight or appetite loss/gain YES Weight or appetite loss/gain NO Insomnia/hypersomnia YES Insomnia/hypersomnia NO Retarded/agitated motor activity YES Retarded/agitated motor activity NO Fatigue or energy loss YES Fatigue or energy loss NO Feels worthless/guilty YES Feels worthless/guilty NO Concentration/indecisive YES Concentration/indecisive NO Thoughts of death/suicide YES Thoughts of death/suicide NO *MANIC EPISODE* Euphoric mood (x1 week) YES Euphoric mood (x1 week) NO Irritable Mood (x1 week) YES Irritable Mood (x1 week) NO Details: ?? Grandiosity or exaggerated self-esteem YES Grandiosity or exaggerated self-esteem NO Reduced need for sleep YES Reduced need for sleep NO Increased talkativeness YES Increased talkativeness NO Flight of ideas or racing thoughts YES Flight of ideas or racing thoughts NO Easily distracted YES Easily distracted NO Psychomotor agitations/increased activityYES Psychomotor agitations/increased activity NO Poor judgement YES Poor judgement NO *GAD* Excessive anxiety/worry (x6 mo) YES Excessive anxiety/worry (x6 mo) NO Trouble controlling these feelings YES Trouble controlling these feelings NO Details: ?? Feels restless, edgy, keyed up YES Feels restless, edgy, keyed up NO Tires easily YES Tires easily NO Trouble concentrating YES Trouble concentrating NO Irritability YES Irritability NO Increased muscle tension YES Increased muscle tension NO Trouble sleeping YES Trouble sleeping NO *PANIC ATTACK* Sudden severe fear or discomfort that peaks within 10 minutes YES Sudden severe fear or discomfort that peaks within 10 minutes NO Details: ?? Chest pain or other chest discomfort YES Chest pain or other chest discomfort NO Chills or hot flashes YES Chills or hot flashes NO Choking sensation YES Choking sensation NO Derealization/depersonalization YES Derealization/depersonalization NO Dizzy, lightheaded, faint, or unsteady YES Dizzy, lightheaded, faint, or unsteady NO Fear of dying YES Fear of dying NO Fears loss of control/becoming insane YES Fears loss of control/becoming insane NO Heart pounds, races, or skips beats YES Heart pounds, races, or skips beats NO Nausea or other abdominal discomfort YES Nausea or other abdominal discomfort NO Numbness or tingling YES Numbness or tingling NO Sweating YES Sweating NO Shortness of breath/smothering feeling YES Shortness of breath/smothering feeling NO Trembling YES Trembling NO *AGORAPHOBIA* Anxiety about being in place/situation where escape is difficult or causes embarrassment YES Anxiety about being in place/situation where escape is difficult or causes embarrassment NO If a panic attack occurred, help might not be available YES If a panic attack occurred, help might not be available NO Details:?? Avoids these situations or places YES Avoids these situations or places NO Endures them with distress YES Endures them with distress NO Requires a companion in situation YES Requires a companion in situation YES *SPECIFIC PHOBIA* Strong, persistent fears that seem excessive or unreasonable that are cued by specific object or situations YES Strong, persistent fears that seem excessive or unreasonable that are cued by specific object or situations NO Details:?? Phobic stimulus provokes anxiety response/panic attack YES Phobic stimulus provokes anxiety response/panic attack NO Realizes fear is unresonable YES Realizes fear is unresonable NO Avoids stimulus/endures with distress YES Avoids stimulus/endures with distress NO *SOCIAL PHOBIA* Strong repeated fears of a social or performance situation that involves facing strangers or being watched by others YES Strong repeated fears of a social or performance situation that involves facing strangers or being watched by others NO Details:?? Phobic stimulus causes anxiety/panic YES Phobic stimulus causes anxiety/panic NO Fears showing anxiety/embarrass self YES Phobic stimulus causes anxiety/panic NO Realizes fear is unreasonable YES Realizes fear is unreasonable NO Avoids stimulus/endures it with distress YES Avoids stimulus/endures it with distress NO Distressed about having phobia YES Distressed about having phobia NO *OCD* Recurring thoughts, impulses or images that intrude into awareness and cause marked distress or anxiety YES Recurring thoughts, impulses or images that intrude into awareness and cause marked distress or anxiety NO Feel the need to repeat physical behaviors or mental behaviors YES Feel the need to repeat physical behaviors of mental behaviors NO Ideas not just about ordinary problems YES Ideas not just about ordinary problems NO Tries to ignore/suppress/neutralize ideas by thoughts or behavior YES Tries to ignore/suppress/neutralize ideas by thoughts or behavior NO Insight that ideas = product of own mind YES Insight that ideas = product of own mind NO Behaviors occur as response to obsession or strictly applied rules YES Behaviors occur as response to obsession or strictly applied rules NO Aim of behaviors is to reduce or eliminate distress/prevent something dreaded YES Aim of behaviors is to reduce or eliminate distress/prevent something dreaded NO Behaviors not realistically related to the events they counteract or are excessive for that purpose YES Behaviors not realistically related to the events they counteract or are excessive for that purpose NO Realizes it is unreasonable/excessive YES Realizes it is unreasonable/excessive NO Causes severe distress YES Causes severe distress NO Takes up time (> hour per day) YES Takes up time (> hour per day) NO Interferes w/usual routine or functioning YES Interferes w/usual routine or functioning NO
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