DKA Plan
Initial Labs: - Anion Gap: _ - pH: _ - Potassium: _ - Bicarbonate: _ - Blood Glucose: _ Insulin: - Initial: 0.1U/kg bolus followed thereafter by 0.1U/kg/hr infusion - Serum Glucose: < 200 mg/dL, reduce insulin to 0.02-0.05 U/kg/hr IV - May consider transitioning to SC insulin, run IV insulin with SC for 2-4 hours before completing transition - If insulin naïve patients, start SC insulin 0.5 to 0.8 U/kg per day IV Fluids: - Initiate 1 L NS per hour. - If elevated/normal serum Na run 0.45% NaCl at 250-500 ml/hr - If low serum Na run 0.9% NaCl at 250-500 ml/hr - If serum glucose < 200 mg/dL, change to D5 ½ NS at 150-250 ml/hr Potassium: - Potassium < 3.3 mEq/L, hold insulin and give 20-40 mEq/hr - Potassium 3.3 to 5.3 mEq/L, give 20-30 mEq/L - Potassium > 5.3 mEq/L, do not give supplemental potassium and recheck q2hr Labs: Monitor BMP and venous pH every 2 to 4-hour until stable Diet: N.p.o. DVT PPx: Graduated compression stockings Disposition: Patient to remain acute inpatient. Plan to transition to subcutaneous insulin once glucose levels, bicarb, potassium have been normalized. Intravenous insulin should be continued for 2 to 4 hours after initiation of subcutaneous insulin.
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