Inpatient Diabetes Management
# Type *** Diabetes Checklist -- Chart Check: baseline BG, most recent A1c, home med regimen, h/o DKA, previous complications (neuropathy, LE ulcers, nephropathy/CKD, retinopathy/vision changes, gastroparesis) -- HPI Intake: foot ulcers/wounds, polyuria, abd pain, previous complications (neuropathy, LE ulcers, nephropathy/CKD, retinopathy/vision changes, gastroparesis) -- Can't Miss: DKA -- Admission Orders: hold home oral meds, sliding scale, accuchecks, A1c if nothing in chart for last 3-6 months Plan: Workup -- New diagnosis - BMP, A1c, lipids, urine microalbumin Treatment -- holding home *** -- if home insulin regimen - dose reduce 25-50% depending on PO intake and degree of presenting illness -- if no home insulin regimen - 0.3-0.4 units per kg of body weight initially vs total insulin used via a sliding scale -> divide into 50% basal, 50% bolus -- Prandial/Bolus: *** units [before meals vs q6 if NPO] -- Long-Acting: *** units qhs -- Sliding Scale: *** [low/medium/high] -- accuchecks *** -- If insufficient control, basal increase 10-20% every 2-3 days, prandial increase 1-2 units/dose every 1-2 days -- further adjustments: if AM is high, increase basal; if pre AM meal is high, increase AM bolus; if bedtime is high, increase PM meal bolus; If NPO, 25-50% dose reduction in basal insulin and take off prandial -- Neuropathy: *** First Line - Pregabalin (Lyrica) 300-600mg divided BID, gabapentin (neurontin) 1200-3600 divided TID, amitriptyline 10-150 qhs, duloxetine (cymbalta) 60-120mg daily or divided BID, Second Line - venlafaxine 150-225mg daily, tramadol 50-100q4-6 (max 400 per day), Additions - lidociane patch, capsaicin cream -- Consider endocrine consult for assistance with complex pts with labile sugars
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