[checkbox value="-Suspected common cold based on history and physical exam."]
[checkbox value="-No focal bacterial infection identified."]
[checkbox value="-Advised patient that symptoms duration usually 7-10 days (3 days longer in smokers)."]
[checkbox value="-Reassured patient that antibiotics not currently indicated and have side effects."]
[checkbox value="-Advised patient of the risks/benefits of symptomatic manegment."]
[checkbox value="-Follow up is advised if:
(1)Fever over 38C not relieved by Paracetamol/NSAIDS.
(2)Purulent discharge.
(3)Severe facial pain.
(4)Shortness of breath.
(5)Difficulty swallowing.
(6)Symptoms >10 days.
(7)Symptoms worsen after previously improving."]
[checkbox value="-The patient confirmed understanding and intent to comply."]
[checkbox value="-Pt declined symptomatic treatment."]

[link url="" memo="«General Clinic Health Education»"]

«General Clinic Health Education»

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