SEFD narrative non PCR

SEFD was dispatched via radio for a [text name="dispatch_1" default=" "] [select name="variable_age" value="Year old | Month old | Day old"][select name="dispatched_1" value=" Male | Female"]. Dispatch determined chief complaint of [text name="CC" size = 55 default=" "]. Apparatus responded [checkbox name="variable_5" value="C601|C602|B601|B602|B603|P601|P603|T601|R601|R602|R603|R604|R605|R606|R607|R608|R609|R610|POV"][text name="variable_4" default=" "]. [checkbox name="ambulance" value="Life ambulance|Elite ambulance"] arrived on scene prior to SEFD arrival initiating patient care and contact. First SEFD Apparatus on scene was [select name="variable_66" value="C601|C602|B601|B602|B603|P601|P603|T601|R601|R602|R603|R604|R605|R606|R607|R608|R609|R610|POV"]. [comment memo="Where was the patient found?" memo_color="red"]Patient was located in [text name="pt_location" default=" "].[comment memo="was the patient alert AOX4?" memo_color="red"] Patient was [text name="pt_alert" default=" "]. SEFD assited [checkbox name="ambulance2" value="Life ambulance|Elite ambulance"] with patient care.[comment memo="patients CC" memo_color="red"] Patient [textarea name="CC" default=" "].
SEFD was dispatched via radio for a . Dispatch determined chief complaint of . Apparatus responded . arrived on scene prior to SEFD arrival initiating patient care and contact. First SEFD Apparatus on scene was . Where was the patient found?Patient was located in .was the patient alert AOX4? Patient was . SEFD assited with patient care.patients CC Patient

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