Smart Phrases And Workups – Endo

#Diabetes Mellitus 2
Home meds:
*** Hgb A1c
- f/u Hgb A1c
- goal glucose 140-180 inpatient
- insulin *** + SSI

#Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Admission BG ***, ketones ***, AG ***
Na corrected for glucose ***
- f/u Hgb A1c, BHB, ABG
- DKA protocol: insulin bolus 0.1U/kg then insulin 0.1U/kg/hr gtt
- BMP and Mg q4h, POC glucose q1h
- mIVF NS + 20 KCl, when BG <250 transition to D5NS
- NPO until AG closed x2 AND BG <200 >> then start SQ insulin | overlap IV and SQ insulin for 2-4h

#Hyperosmolar Hyperglycmie State
-Admission BG ***, ketones ***, AG ***
-Na corrected for glucose ***
-f/u Hgb A1c, BHB, ABG
-DKA protocol: 
--insulin bolus 0.1U/kg 
--then insulin 0.1U/kg/hr gtt
-BMP q4h
-Mg q4h
-POC glucose q1h
-mIVF NS + 20 KCl
--BG <250 
= transition to D5NS
-mental status improved + BG <300 
= start SQ insulin
--overlap IV and SQ insulin for 2-4h

Etiology: CVA, CNS infection/trauma, SCC, meds (carbamazepime, opioids, cyclophosphamide, SSRIs), surgery, HIV
Admission Na:    @@@
-fluid restriction 1L/day, furosemide
-consider salt tabs 3g TID
-for severe/seizure: hypertonic NS, tolvaptan
#Diabetes Mellitus 2
Home meds:
*** Hgb A1c
- f/u Hgb A1c
- goal glucose 140-180 inpatient
- insulin *** + SSI

#Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Admission BG ***, ketones ***, AG ***
Na corrected for glucose ***
- f/u Hgb A1c, BHB, ABG
- DKA protocol: insulin bolus 0.1U/kg then insulin 0.1U/kg/hr gtt
- BMP and Mg q4h, POC glucose q1h
- mIVF NS + 20 KCl, when BG <250 transition to D5NS
- NPO until AG closed x2 AND BG <200 >> then start SQ insulin | overlap IV and SQ insulin for 2-4h

#Hyperosmolar Hyperglycmie State
-Admission BG ***, ketones ***, AG ***
-Na corrected for glucose ***
-f/u Hgb A1c, BHB, ABG
-DKA protocol:
--insulin bolus 0.1U/kg
--then insulin 0.1U/kg/hr gtt
-BMP q4h
-Mg q4h
-POC glucose q1h
-mIVF NS + 20 KCl
--BG <250
= transition to D5NS
-mental status improved + BG <300
= start SQ insulin
--overlap IV and SQ insulin for 2-4h

Etiology: CVA, CNS infection/trauma, SCC, meds (carbamazepime, opioids, cyclophosphamide, SSRIs), surgery, HIV
Admission Na: @@@
-fluid restriction 1L/day, furosemide
-consider salt tabs 3g TID
-for severe/seizure: hypertonic NS, tolvaptan

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