New Mom Admission

Reason for admission: ie. Active labor, ROM, etc

Ms. [text] is a [text] yo G[text]P[text] presented at [text]w[text]d by [select value="LMP|EDD|EDC"] of [text] here for [select value= "induction of labor|active labor|ROM"]. Prenatal care at [text], which was significant for [textarea default="any complications during prenatal care"]. Patient [select value= "Endorses/Denies"] contractions at this time. [textarea default= "PMH: PSH: Meds: Allergies: OBHx: Substance Use: "]. Patient is GBS [select value= "positive|negative"]. Patient denies: LOF, HA, change in vision or N/V/D/C or vaginal bleeding.

Diagnosis: [___ weeks gestation]
Ms. [text] is a [text] yo G[text]P[text] presented at [text]w[text]d by [select value="LMP|EDD|EDC"] of [text] here for [select value= "induction of labor|active labor|ROM"].

- Admit to L&D
- EFM/Toco
- IV LR 125mls/hr
- T&S
- Sips & chips
- Epidural when patient requests
- Start with induction 5mUnits
Reason for admission: ie. Active labor, ROM, etc

Ms. is a yo GP presented at wd by of here for . Prenatal care at , which was significant for
. Patient contractions at this time.
. Patient is GBS . Patient denies: LOF, HA, change in vision or N/V/D/C or vaginal bleeding.

Diagnosis: [___ weeks gestation]
Ms. is a yo GP presented at wd by of here for .

- Admit to L&D
- EFM/Toco
- IV LR 125mls/hr
- T&S
- Sips & chips
- Epidural when patient requests
- Start with induction 5mUnits

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