Laceration Procedural Note
[date name="variable_1" default="today"] (S): CC: Head laceration HPI: [text name="variable_2" default="age"] old [text name="variable_3" default="male/female"]was [text name="variable_4" default="history of injury"]. Laceration occurred at [text name="variable_5" default="time"]. Bleeding [select name="variable_6" value="has ceased|is minimal|is profuse|is controlled"] Associated symptoms: [select name="variable_7" value="none|no loss of sensation related to the injury|full range of motion of involved body part|no symptoms of vascular compromise|loss of sensation distal to the injury"] Last tetanus toxoid [text name="variable_8" default="years"] ago Consent: Patient was explained risks and complications of procedure including but not limited to infection, bleeding, scarring. Patient verbalized understanding. All questions answered. Verbal consent received for procedure. No contraindications (O): Gen: Looks well. [text name="variable_9" default="level of distress"] Skin: [text name="variable_10" default="cm"] long laceration to [text name="variable_11" default="location"]. Approximate depth [text name="variable_12" default="cm"]. Wound [text name="variable_13" default="description"]. Debridement [select name="variable_14" value="not required.|required."]. Underlying or nearby tendons: [select name="variable_15" value="none|intact|lacerated|"]. Neurovascular exam: [select name="variable_16" value="intact.|normal capillary refill.|normal sensation to simple touch.|normal 2-point discrimination."] (A): Suture of laceration (P): Closure performed under sterile conditions. • Skin cleansed well with chlorhexidine and NS solution • [text name="variable_17" default="number"]cc of 2% Lidocaine [select name="variable_18" value="WITH epinephrine|WITHOUT epinephrine"]injected at the laceration site. • [text name="variable_19" default="amount"]post-procedure bleeding. • Skin cleansed well with NS solution • [text name="variable_20" default="number of sutures"] x [select name="variable_21" value="Steri-strips|Dermabond|3-0 non-absorbable sutures|4-0 non-absorbable sutures|5-0 non-absorbable sutures|6-0 non-absorbable sutures|"]in situ. Wound well approximated. • Antibiotic ointment and sterile gauze applied and secured with tape • Pt tolerated well. No complications noted. Follow-up: - Keep dressing dry and intact x 48hrs. After that, may remove dressing and shower. Plain water only, no shampoo or other solutions. - Leave incision open to air at night and as possible during the day. Cover with gauze if risk of clothing or other rubbing on suture. May use polysporin if desired - Education re: bleeding, signs of infection. RTC if any of these present. - H/O for wound and suture care provided - Suture removal in [select name="variable_23" value="3-5 days: Face, eyelid, eyebrow, nose, lip = 3-5 days|6-8 days: Scalp = 6-8 days|8-10 days: Chest, abdomen = 8-10 days|10-14 days: Hand, ear = 10-14 days|12-14 days: Back, extremities, foot, sole = 12-14 days|"] days - Pt agrees with plan. All questions answered. Return to clinic as needed.
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