

Pre-Operative Diagnosis: eye pain, gritty sensation
Post-Operative Diagnosis: corneal abrasion
Eye: _

Eye was thoroughly examined prior to the procedure, flipping both the upper and the lower eyelid without evidence of foreign body.  Eye was flushed with sterile saline. One drop of proparacaine was placed on a Ful-Glo (florescence ophthalmic strip) and placed on the inner aspect of the lower eye lid. With the eye appropriately stained a black light was utilized to visualize the cornea. Patient tolerated the procedure well without complications.

Findings: _

Pre-Operative Diagnosis: eye pain, gritty sensation
Post-Operative Diagnosis: corneal abrasion
Eye: _

Eye was thoroughly examined prior to the procedure, flipping both the upper and the lower eyelid without evidence of foreign body. Eye was flushed with sterile saline. One drop of proparacaine was placed on a Ful-Glo (florescence ophthalmic strip) and placed on the inner aspect of the lower eye lid. With the eye appropriately stained a black light was utilized to visualize the cornea. Patient tolerated the procedure well without complications.

Findings: _

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