PT Narrative

Patient is a [text name="variable_1" default="age"] who was living in a [text name="variable_13" default="home"] with [text name="variable_2" default="Family/social support"] at PLOF. Patient is now homebound as evidenced by [textarea name="variable_3" default="pt specific homebound status"] 
Patient was referred to HH therapy services following [textarea name="variable_4" default="reason for referral/medical dx"]. This resulted in a functional decline as indicated by the following impairments:[checklist name="variable_5" value="reduced strength|impaired endurance|decreased balance|assistance needed with transfers|assistance with ambulation|decreased safety awareness|impaired coordination|increased pain|impaired understanding of HEP/precautions|reliance on AD|limited ROM"]. 
Such deficits have led to [textarea name="variable_6" default="specific functional performance"].Severity of mobility deficits and fall risk is supported by score of [text name="variable_7" default="outcome measure"]
Skilled services are medically necessary in order to [checklist name="variable_8" value="reduce risk of falls|promote return to baseline status|maximize functional independence|optimize safety with mobility|promote return to community integration|decrease need for higher level of care|manage pain levels|enhance quality of life"]. POC should seek to achieve goals through progression of [textarea name="variable_9" default="intervention plan"].
Potential for progress is supported by [checklist name="variable_10" value="high PLOF|good social support|motivation to participate|good cognition to follow skilled cues|reduced number of comorbidities"], but rate of progression may be delayed by [textarea name="variable_11" default="limiting factors"].
Recommended POC of:[text name="variable_12" default="frequency"] for achievement of goals.
Patient is a who was living in a with at PLOF. Patient is now homebound as evidenced by

Patient was referred to HH therapy services following
. This resulted in a functional decline as indicated by the following impairments: .
Such deficits have led to
.Severity of mobility deficits and fall risk is supported by score of
Skilled services are medically necessary in order to . POC should seek to achieve goals through progression of
Potential for progress is supported by , but rate of progression may be delayed by
Recommended POC of: for achievement of goals.

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