Covid-19 suspect

[checkbox name="Symptoms" value="Subjective fever|Chills|Congestion|Rhinorrhea|Sore Throat|Myalgias|Dry cough|Productive cough|Headache|Nausea|Vomiting|Diarrhea |Fatigue|SOB|Dysgeusia|Anosmia"]

Therapies tried:
[checkbox name="Therapies" value="Antipyretics|Cough meds|Nothing"]

High Risk Conditions:[text name="Highriskconditions" default="see problem list"]

Symptoms are [select name="variable_4" value="IMPROVING|WORSENING|STAYING THE SAME"] since onset

STREP SCREENING: Is sore throat the main complaint without concurrent cold-like symptoms (nose/eyes/etc)? [select name="Centor" value="no|YES"][comment memo="Choose 'yes' to bring up Centor Criteria"][conditional field="Centor" condition="(Centor).is('YES')"]
Denies: [checkbox name="variable_18" value="dyspnea on exertion|subjective fever|productive cough|myagl"]
Modified Centor Score
[select name="Q1Fever" value="No (0 points)=0|YES (1 point)=1"] <-- History of fever or measured temperature > 100.4 degrees F
[select name="Q2Cough" value="Cough is present (0 points)=0|COUGH IS ABSENT (1 point)=1"] <-- Presence of coughing
[select name="Q3Nodes" value="No (0 points)=0|YES (1 point)=1"] <-- Tender anterior cervical nodes
[select name="Q4Tonsil" value="No (0 points)=0|YES (1 point)=1"] <-- Tonsillar swelling or exudates
[select name="Q5Age" value="< 15 years (1 point)=1|15 to 45 years (0 points)=0|> 45 years (-1 point)=-1"] <-- Age
Score --> [calc value="score=(Q1Fever)+(Q2Cough)+(Q3Nodes)+(Q4Tonsil)+(Q5Age)" memo="score"][/conditional]
COVID-19 QUESTIONS: Documented fever: [select name="variable_1" value="NO|YES"]
Close contact with person with confirmed or suspected COVID-19: [select name="variable_2" value="NO|YES"]
Travel to high risk COVID-19 areas per current local guidance: [select name="variable_3" value="NO|YES"]



well-appearing, alert, non-toxic, normal WOB, no acute distress



no visible rashes



normocephalic, symmetrical face



reports being able to use both nostrils, reports no tenderness with applying pressure to sinus areas



speaks in clear and unmuffled voice, reports pharynx w/o swelling or exudates



no visible thyromegaly or other masses, able to move neck in all directions without pain



normal respiratory effort, no tachypnea apparent, speaking in full sentences, no audible wheezing



reports pulse to be regular and of normal rate, reports no LE edema, reports no calf tenderness



no tremor visible, normal concentration and attention, memory grossly intact



calm, pleasant, respectful, cooperative



normal for age, clear & coherent

Are you so breathless that you are unable to speak more than a few words?
[checklist name="variable_1" value="NO|YES"]
Are you breathing harder or faster than usual when doing nothing at all?
[checklist name="variable_1" value="NO|YES"]
Are you so ill that you’ve stopped doing all of your usual daily activities?
[checklist name="variable_1" value="NO|YES"]

UC course and MDM: 

Diagnostic Impression: 

Acute Viral Syndrome

Testing Ordered:
[checkbox name="Testing" value="Rapid flu|Rapid Strep|Covid-19 PCR|CBC|Radiography Chest| Chest CT| D-Dimer|LFT|None"]

Patient is eligible and amenable to receive monoclonal antibody infusion. I have explained that I will send a task to the Covid-19 Care Team in case the PCR test is positive. However - and as a disclaimer- I have clarified that there is no guarantee of receiving the antibody since there is limited disponibility and schedule allocations. I have also exposed that after 10 days of symptoms; the antibody infusion is NOT recommended.

Patient is not currently on respiratory distress/failure, multi-organ failure, rapid disease progression requiring escalating supportive care. There is no moderate acuity with extra risk factors (pneumonia, immunosuppressed, elderly, comorbidities), complicated social situation, worsening symptoms > 10 days out.

Please go to the ED of your choice if you experience:
Trouble breathing
Persistent chest pain or pressure
Inability to stay awake
New confusion
Blue lips or face

Therapies tried:

High Risk Conditions:

Symptoms are since onset

STREP SCREENING: Is sore throat the main complaint without concurrent cold-like symptoms (nose/eyes/etc)? Choose 'yes' to bring up Centor Criteria
COVID-19 QUESTIONS: Documented fever:
Close contact with person with confirmed or suspected COVID-19:
Travel to high risk COVID-19 areas per current local guidance:



well-appearing, alert, non-toxic, normal WOB, no acute distress


no visible rashes


normocephalic, symmetrical face


reports being able to use both nostrils, reports no tenderness with applying pressure to sinus areas


speaks in clear and unmuffled voice, reports pharynx w/o swelling or exudates


no visible thyromegaly or other masses, able to move neck in all directions without pain


normal respiratory effort, no tachypnea apparent, speaking in full sentences, no audible wheezing


reports pulse to be regular and of normal rate, reports no LE edema, reports no calf tenderness


no tremor visible, normal concentration and attention, memory grossly intact


calm, pleasant, respectful, cooperative


normal for age, clear & coherent

Are you so breathless that you are unable to speak more than a few words?

Are you breathing harder or faster than usual when doing nothing at all?

Are you so ill that you’ve stopped doing all of your usual daily activities?

UC course and MDM:

Diagnostic Impression:

Acute Viral Syndrome

Testing Ordered:

Patient is eligible and amenable to receive monoclonal antibody infusion. I have explained that I will send a task to the Covid-19 Care Team in case the PCR test is positive. However - and as a disclaimer- I have clarified that there is no guarantee of receiving the antibody since there is limited disponibility and schedule allocations. I have also exposed that after 10 days of symptoms; the antibody infusion is NOT recommended.

Patient is not currently on respiratory distress/failure, multi-organ failure, rapid disease progression requiring escalating supportive care. There is no moderate acuity with extra risk factors (pneumonia, immunosuppressed, elderly, comorbidities), complicated social situation, worsening symptoms > 10 days out.

Please go to the ED of your choice if you experience:
Trouble breathing
Persistent chest pain or pressure
Inability to stay awake
New confusion
Blue lips or face

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