Wart Plan

[checkbox memo="Consent" name="consent" value=""][conditional field="consent" condition="(consent).is('')"][textarea cols=80 rows=5 default="Consent:  Risks and benefits of therapy discussed with patient who voices understanding and agrees with planned care. No barriers to communication or understanding identified.  After obtaining informed consent, the patient's identity, procedure, and site were verified during a pause prior to proceeding with the minor surgical procedure as per universal protocol recommendations.  "][/conditional][checkbox memo="Procedure Short Version" name="shortprocedure" value=""][conditional field="shortprocedure" condition="(shortprocedure).is('')"][textarea cols=80 rows=5 default="Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, 3 treatments of 10 seconds each applied. Frost ring obtained.  "][/conditional][checkbox memo="Procedure Medium Version" name="mediumprocedure" value=""][conditional field="mediumprocedure" condition="(mediumprocedure).is('')"][textarea fillable=true cols=80 rows=5 default="After appropriate cleansing, liquid nitrogen was applied to warts on ***location/size/description of wart removed***.  "][/conditional][checkbox memo="Procedure Long Version" name="longprocedure" value=""][conditional field="longprocedure" condition="(longprocedure).is('')"][textarea fillable=true cols=80 rows=5 default="***Wart was/Warts were/Condylomata acuminata was/Plantar wart was/Plantar warts were*** treated with ***light cryotherapy using cotton tipped applicator/cryocautery with freeze thaw freeze technique with 2-3 mm surround freeze/shave excision of overlying keratin and then cryocauterized with freeze thaw freeze technique with 2-3 mm surround freeze/curettage/Podophylin/trichloroacetic acid***.  "][/conditional][checkbox memo="Education" name="education" value=""][conditional field="education" condition="(education).is('')"][textarea cols=80 rows=5 default="Education:  Aftercare, including blister formation, risks of bleeding, and risks of recurrence were discussed. All questions answered.  Return for retreatment as   ."][/conditional]
Consent Procedure Short Version Procedure Medium Version Procedure Long Version Education

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