BioPsychoSocial Summary
SUMMARY [text name="cxName" default=""] [var name="cxName"] is a [text name="cxAge" default="" size="5"] year old [select name="cxRel" value="single|married|divorced|separated"], [select name="cxRace" value="Alaskan Native|Asian|African-American|Caucasian|Hawaiian Native|Native American|Pacific Islander|Latinx|Hispanic|Non-specified Race"], [select name="cxSxlty" value="heterosexual|homosexual|bisexual|asexual|pansexual|queer|questioning|fluid"], [select name="cxGndr" value="cisgender|transgender-maleToFemale|transgender-femaleToMale|transgender-nonbinary-male|transgender-nonbinary-female"], [select name="sex" value="female|intersex|male"] with a history of [checkbox name="cxHx" value="criminal justice involvement|mental health disorder|substance use disorder"] who presents for initial evaluation per recommendation from [text name="refSrc" default=""] [comment memo="Presenting problem: Describe the reason the client came to you. Include the client's definition of their problem, how long they've been experiencing the issue and what they expect to gain from your services. Also, describe what the client has done in the past to try to resolve the issue"] [textarea name="presProb" default=""] [var name="cxName"]’s current reported diagnosis is [text name="currDx" default=""] Client is currently experiencing [textarea name="currSymp" default=""] symptoms. Client is currently prescribed [textarea name="currRx" default=""] [checkbox name="currMHSA" value="Client denies any current mental health diagnosis|Client denies experiencing any symptoms at this time|Client denies prescription of any medications"] Recent circumstances that have lead to client involvement are [comment memo="triggering or provoking events and circumstances how and why these factors have affected the presentation of the client"] [checkbox name="trgEvents" value="mental illness|substance use|physical illness|medication adherence|housing problems| employment problems|financial problems|problems with primary supports|problems with non-primary supports|non-access to healthcare|cultural concerns|unsecure basic needs|maladaptive coping mechanisms|losses"] [comment memo="descriptions of checked events, other triggering events, response to events – feeling defeated/humiliated/provoked etc"] [textarea name="precipitating" default=""] Contributing lifetime experiences have been [comment memo="Predisposing - describe how and why the client’s lifetime experiences have contributed to the development of the current problems including: developmental factors, family history and relationships, psyhological and functional issues, social problems,substance use,history of illness and repsone to treatment and interventions"] [textarea name="predisposing" default=""] Some of the factors that keep these issues going are [comment memo="Perpetuating - potential contributors that maintain the problem or may worsen the problem if not addressed such as insight, personality style, vulnerabilities, co-occurring conditions, employment status, lack of social supports, peer group, family attitudes, beliefs about behaviors"] [textarea name="perpetuating" default=""] [var name="cxName"]’s strengths/protective factors are [comment memo="social support, coping skills, physical health, sense of purpose, self-esteem, healthy thinking"] [textarea name="protective" default=""] [var name="cxName"]’s goals are [comment memo="how the client understands the current situation and presentation, what do they want now and what are their goals they want to work towards"] [textarea name="cxGoals" default=""] Given the above, the current treatment plan includes [comment memo="program goals, area of focus for care and planning and possible interventions"] [textarea name="txPlan" default=""] [comment memo="Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT)"] [checkbox name="cxMAT" value="Medications for Addiction Treatment is recommended|Medications for Addiction Treatment is not recommended|Medications for Addiction Treatment is already occurring"] at this time. The first individual counseling or group session is scheduled for [text name="indDate" default=""] at [text name="indTime" default=""] [checkbox name="indAmPm" value="AM|PM"] A psychiatric evaluation is scheduled for [text name="psyDate" default=""] at [text name="psyTime" default=""] [checkbox name="psyAmPm" value="AM|PM"]
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