Child Intake
____ presented for this intake session seeing support for _____. Parent/caregiver described the following presenting problem: [textarea name="PresentingProblem" cols="50" rows="10"] Therapist reviewed confidentiality, limits of confidentiality and duty to protect. Caregivers provided verbal consent for treatment in addition to signatures on intake/consent forms. [checkbox name="Teleheatlh" value="______ presented via Telehealth. Therapist confirmed location and commented on secure space to ensure confidentiality."] Therapist conducted clinical interview. Caregivers shared the following: [checkbox name="Family" value="Family "] [textarea name="Family1" cols="50" rows="10"] [checkbox name="FamilyHistory" value="Family history | No signifiant family history revealed at intake"] [textarea name="FamilyHistory1" cols="50" rows="10"] [checkbox name="MedicalHistory" value="Medical History|No significant medical history revealed at intake"] [textarea name="MedicalHistory1" cols="50" rows="10"] [checkbox name="SocialEmotional" value="Social-Emotional"] [textarea name="SocialEmotional1" cols="50" rows="10"] [checkbox name="School" value="School"] [textarea name="School1" cols="50" rows="10"] [checkbox name="SleepDiet" value="Sleep Related Factors| Diet Related Factors| No significant sleep or diet information provided at intake"] [textarea name="SleepDiet1" cols="50" rows="10"] [checkbox name="AccommodationsStrategies" value="Current Strategies and Acccommodations"] [textarea name="AccommoationsStrategies1" cols="50" rows="10"] [checkbox name="TreatmentGoals" value="Therapist suppored caregivers to idetnify the following treatment goals"] [textarea name="TreatmentGoals1" cols="50" rows="10"] [checkbox name="Assessment" value="Thearpist provided the following rating scale/assessment to gather baseline data related to the presenting problem."] [textarea name="Assessment" cols="50" rows="10"] [checkbox name="Modalities" value="Therapist discussed evidenced-based modalities to target treatment goals"] [textarea name="Modalities1" cols="50" rows="10"]
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Sandbox Metrics: Structured Data Index 0.5, 22 form elements, 47 boilerplate words, 11 text areas, 11 checkboxes, 26 total clicks
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