[comment memo="GROUP DESCRIPTION"] Group members participated in a group focused on [textarea name="todayTheme" default="What was group about?"]. The purpose of this group was to [textarea name="purpose" default="why did you run this group? How does it help our clients get closer to their treatment goals?"]. Group members were asked to [select name="activity" value="complete a worksheet on|watch a therapeutic short film/documentary|particiapte in|engage in|"][textarea name="activitytopic" default="what was the activity about (specifics)? ---> name of film? worksheet topic/contents? Themes (general and specific)"]. Group members were asked engage in a discussion sharing with the group [select name="discussion" value="their experiences|their thoughts|their feelings|what they took away from the activity|what they learned about themselves|barriers they are experiencing and steps they can take to get closer to their goals"] after completing the activity. Clients were encouraged to provide feedback and support to one another while being supported by the group facilitator.
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