CCP Army Chronic Pain, LBP, Pysch
Date: [date name="variable_1" default="today"] Patient Care Plan was updated for the following condition(s): [comment memo="The patient has one of the following diagnosis; therefore, the patient requires a Chronic Care Plan documented in their encounter"] [checklist name="diagnoses" value="Chronic Low Back Pain|Pain Management|Behavioral Health Condition|Chronic Substance Use"] Patient Self-Management Assessment: [select name="variable_2" value="Independent |Requires Caregiver support| Requires Case Management"] Self-Management Resources [checklist name="variable_3" value="Communication Via Secure Messaging|Handouts|Referrals|Disease Manage classes"] Duty/Activity Restrictions: [select name="job" value="NONE|See Below"] [conditional field="job" condition="(job).is('See Below')"]Reason: [text name="Restrictions:"]Start date: [date name="variable_4" default="08/14/2020"] End date: [date name="variable_4" default="08/14/2020"] Restrictions: [textarea name="variable_5" default="sample text"][/conditional] BARRIERS TO ACHIEVING GOALS: [checklist name="barriers" value="Behavioral Health Diagnosis|Social environment|Precontemplative Stage of change|Contemplative Stage of change|Relapse Stage of change|Patient not aligned with treatment plan|Physical limitation|Cognitive limitation|Communication barrier"] [conditional field="diagnoses" condition="(diagnoses).is('Chronic Low Back Pain')"] Low Back Pain Care Plan Date last updated: DIAGNOSIS: [ ] Non-specific LBP [ ] LBP assoc w/ Radicular Symptoms or Spinal Stenosis [ ] LBP w/ other specific cause [ ] Chronic Disabling LBP FUNCTIONAL LIMITATIONS (Dx and Date): PRIOR EPISODES (Dx and Date): GOALS: [ ] Achieve Individualized Functional Goal of: ACTIONABLE DATA: Date: Current Functional Deficits: Date: Imaging Results: Date: Opioid Risk Score: Date: Pain Disability Index: Y/N Pain Agreement in Place Name: Sole Provider Designated COMANAGING TEAM/CONSULTANTS: [ ] Physical Therapy [ ] Behavioral Health [ ] Neurosurgery [ ] Pain Management [ ] Physiatry/PM&R [ ] Other Provider Section: BARRIERS TO ACHIEVING GOALS: [ ] Tobacco/Alcohol/Substance Use [ ] Compensation Claim in dispute [ ] Job Dissatisfaction [ ] Co-Morbid Behavioral Health Diagnosis [ ] Patient alignment with treatment plan FOLLOW-UP PLAN: PATIENT INTERIM GOALS: [/conditional] [conditional field="diagnoses" condition="(diagnoses).is('Pain Management')"] DIAGNOSIS: Chronic pain secondary to: [textarea name="variable_1" default="sample text"] DATE Initiated Opioid therapy: [date name="variable_1" default="08/14/2020"] Name of Primary Opioid Provider: [text name="variable_1" default="sample text"] Current Treatment Regimen: see med rec Baseline DVPRS Supplemental Score: DATE: [date name="variable_456" default="today"] Activity: Mood: Sleep: Stress: Current DVPRS Supplemental Score: DATE: [date name="variable_745" default="today"] Activity: Mood: Sleep: Stress: Opioid Risk Score: [text name="variable_45" default="sample text"] DATE: [date name="variable_97" default="08/14/2020"] DIRE Score: [text name="variable_543" default="sample text"] DATE:[date name="variable_1" default="08/14/2020"] [select name="variable_51" value="No|Yes"] Urinary Drug Testing consistent with therapy. DATE of last UDT: [date name="variable_1" default="08/14/2020"] [select name="variable_51" value="No|Yes"] Patient on Pill counts. # of Pills: [text name="variable_1" default="sample text"] DATE of last count:[date name="variable_1" default="08/14/2020"] GOALS: Achieve Individualized Functional and Overall Goals of: [textarea name="variable_1" default="sample text"] [select name="variable_1" value="AT GOAL|NOT AT GOAL"] DATE: [date name="variable_1" default="08/14/2020"] PATIENT RESPONSIBILITIES/INTERVENTIONS: BARRIERS TO ACHIEVING GOALS: [select name="variable_645" value="Yes|No"] Current or past Behavioral Health History or Substance Use Disorder (See SUD or BH TSWF CCP) COMANAGING TEAM/CONSULTANTS: [text name="variable_1" default="sample text"] FOLLOW-UP PLAN: [/conditional] [conditional field="diagnoses" condition="(diagnoses).is('Behavioral Health Condition')"] Behavioral Health Care Plan Date last updated: DIAGNOSIS: [ ] Major Depressive Disorder [ ] Bipolar Disorder [ ] Adjustment Disorder [ ] PTSD [ ] OCD [ ] Generalized Anxiety Disorder [ ] Panic Disorder [ ] Other: GOALS: [ ] Depression: PHQ<5 [ ] PTSD: PCL < 13 [ ] Anxiety: GAD-7 < 6 [ ] Other: [ ] Achieve Individualized Functional Goal of: ACTIONABLE DATA: Baseline score/date Most recent score/date PHQ-9: PCL-5: GAD-7: MMSE: COMANAGING TEAM/CONSULTANTS: [ ] Social Work [ ] BHC [ ] Psychology [ ] Psychiatry [ ] Family Advocacy [ ] Chaplain >>> Provider Section <<< BARRIERS TO ACHIEVING GOALS: [ ] Co-morbid Substance Use [ ] Co-morbid Medical Conditions [ ] Social Environment [ ] Patient Alignment with Treatment Plan INTERVENTION [ ] Prescribed Medication [ ] Supportive Counseling REFERRED TO: [ ] BHC [ ] Behavioral Health Clinic [ ] Network Provider [ ] Other FOLLOW-UP PLAN: PATIENT INTERIM GOALS: [/conditional] [conditional field="diagnoses" condition="(diagnoses).is('Chronic Substance Use')"] Substance Use Care Plan Date last updated: DIAGNOSIS: [ ] Tobacco use [ ] Alcohol abuse/dependence [ ] Other drug abuse/dependence GOALS: Abstinence ACTIONABLE DATA: Stage of Change: [ ] Precontemplation [ ] Contemplation [ ] Preparation [ ] Action [ ] Maintenance [ ] Relapse/Recycle Drug Abuse/Dependence Only: Date: Drug screen result: Date: GGT result: COMANAGING TEAM/CONSULTANTS: [ ] Tobacco Cessation Program [ ] Substance Abuse Program Provider Section: BARRIERS TO ACHIEVING GOALS: [ ] Stage of change [ ] Social environment [ ] Pain [ ] Chronic Pain Syndrome [ ] Co-morbid behavioral health diagnosis [ ] Patient alignment with treatment plan FOLLOW-UP PLAN: [ ]Y [ ]N The patient/family requires additional care management support PATIENT INTERIM GOALS: ..... [/conditional]
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