CAUTION: This page needs to be reviewed and categorized.
<FIRSTNAME> is a <AGE> female who is here for routine gynecologic visit.

She has / does not have a PCP 
She denies previous abnormal PAP smears
She reports history of abnormal PAP smear. She had RESULTS on DATE.

She has never had a mammogram
She had a mammogram last TIME ago

She has never had a Colonoscopy/Cologaurd
She had a Colonoscopy/Cologaurd last TIME ago

She had her LMP TIME

She has never had a bone density scan
She had a bone density scan last TIME ago. It was normal. Positive for osteoperosis/osteopenia
External Genitalia: 
External Genitalia exam reveals no lesions, condylomata, or rash. There is no abnormality. Labia are within normal limits with no lesions. No evidence of atrophy.
Introitus Examination: 
Introitus examination reveals introitus is normal with no abnormalities.
Vaginal Exam: 
Vaginal vault exam reveals no abnormalities, no bleeding from apex or cervical os, no signs and symptoms of infection.
Urethral Meatus: 
On examination,urethral meatus has no retraction, hypospadias, or discharge noted. No other abnormalities noted.
Urethra Exam: 
Examination of urethra shows no abnormalities.
Bladder Exam: 
Bladder examination reveals no abnormalities; no mass or tenderness noted.
Cervix Examination: 
Cervix examination is normal with respect to structural abnormality(s), infection or malignant changes.
Uterus Examination: 
Examination of uterus reveals completely normal uterus with normal size, shape, contour, position and no bleeding or any other discharge.
Digital Rectal Examination: 
Rectal Examination reveals normal sphincter tone without presence of hemorrhoids or masses.
Anus and Perineum Exam: 
Anus and perineum exam is completely normal with no tenderness, fissures, edema, dimples, hemorrhoids and any other abnormalities.
Examination for Ovulation: 
Examination for ovulation is not indicated.
Breast Inspection: 
On inspection of the breasts, both the breasts, nipples and skin over them is normal with no structural abnormality, infection or malignant changes Breast Palpation: 
Breasts are symmetric without dominant mass, nipple discharge or axillary lymphadenopathy.

General appearance: 
The patient is well-developed, well-nourished, and in no cardiorespiratory distress. <HE/SHE> is alert and oriented to time, place, and person. The patient ambulates to the examination room without assistance. <HE/SHE> is able to sit comfortably on the examination table without difficulty or evidence of pain.

Normocephalic and atraumatic. No deformities, lesions or mass.

Gross inspection of skin demonstrates no evidence of abnormality. Hair and nails are also normal. Skin is warm and dry.

Soft and nontender. Audible bowel sounds. No organomegaly. No visible scars, hernias or sinuses are seen.

Good air movement bilaterally. Lungs are clear to auscultation. No wheezes, rales, rubs or rhonchi are noted.

PMI is nondisplaced and normal in character, no heave or abnormal pulsation. Normal sinus rhythm. Distinct S1 and S2. No audible click, murmur, gallop or rub.

A/P done. PAP done and sent to lab. 
Patient to RTO in 1 year for A/P
Cultures done for STI screen.
Advised and ordered mammogram. 
Advised and ordered bone density scan
Advised colonoscopy. Referred to gastroenterologist
Advised and ordered cologaurd 
PHQ-9 done. No f/u needed / Refer to APEX / Patient is undergoing treatment
<FIRSTNAME> is a <AGE> female who is here for routine gynecologic visit.

She has / does not have a PCP
She denies previous abnormal PAP smears
She reports history of abnormal PAP smear. She had RESULTS on DATE.

She has never had a mammogram
She had a mammogram last TIME ago

She has never had a Colonoscopy/Cologaurd
She had a Colonoscopy/Cologaurd last TIME ago

She had her LMP TIME

She has never had a bone density scan
She had a bone density scan last TIME ago. It was normal. Positive for osteoperosis/osteopenia
External Genitalia:
External Genitalia exam reveals no lesions, condylomata, or rash. There is no abnormality. Labia are within normal limits with no lesions. No evidence of atrophy.
Introitus Examination:
Introitus examination reveals introitus is normal with no abnormalities.
Vaginal Exam:
Vaginal vault exam reveals no abnormalities, no bleeding from apex or cervical os, no signs and symptoms of infection.
Urethral Meatus:
On examination,urethral meatus has no retraction, hypospadias, or discharge noted. No other abnormalities noted.
Urethra Exam:
Examination of urethra shows no abnormalities.
Bladder Exam:
Bladder examination reveals no abnormalities; no mass or tenderness noted.
Cervix Examination:
Cervix examination is normal with respect to structural abnormality(s), infection or malignant changes.
Uterus Examination:
Examination of uterus reveals completely normal uterus with normal size, shape, contour, position and no bleeding or any other discharge.
Digital Rectal Examination:
Rectal Examination reveals normal sphincter tone without presence of hemorrhoids or masses.
Anus and Perineum Exam:
Anus and perineum exam is completely normal with no tenderness, fissures, edema, dimples, hemorrhoids and any other abnormalities.
Examination for Ovulation:
Examination for ovulation is not indicated.
Breast Inspection:
On inspection of the breasts, both the breasts, nipples and skin over them is normal with no structural abnormality, infection or malignant changes Breast Palpation:
Breasts are symmetric without dominant mass, nipple discharge or axillary lymphadenopathy.

General appearance:
The patient is well-developed, well-nourished, and in no cardiorespiratory distress. <HE/SHE> is alert and oriented to time, place, and person. The patient ambulates to the examination room without assistance. <HE/SHE> is able to sit comfortably on the examination table without difficulty or evidence of pain.

Normocephalic and atraumatic. No deformities, lesions or mass.

Gross inspection of skin demonstrates no evidence of abnormality. Hair and nails are also normal. Skin is warm and dry.

Soft and nontender. Audible bowel sounds. No organomegaly. No visible scars, hernias or sinuses are seen.

Good air movement bilaterally. Lungs are clear to auscultation. No wheezes, rales, rubs or rhonchi are noted.

PMI is nondisplaced and normal in character, no heave or abnormal pulsation. Normal sinus rhythm. Distinct S1 and S2. No audible click, murmur, gallop or rub.

A/P done. PAP done and sent to lab.
Patient to RTO in 1 year for A/P
Cultures done for STI screen.
Advised and ordered mammogram.
Advised and ordered bone density scan
Advised colonoscopy. Referred to gastroenterologist
Advised and ordered cologaurd
PHQ-9 done. No f/u needed / Refer to APEX / Patient is undergoing treatment

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