CAUTION: This page needs to be reviewed and categorized.<FIRSTNAME> is a <AGE> female who is here for routine gynecologic visit. HPI: She has / does not have a PCP She denies previous abnormal PAP smears She reports history of abnormal PAP smear. She had RESULTS on DATE. She has never had a mammogram She had a mammogram last TIME ago She has never had a Colonoscopy/Cologaurd She had a Colonoscopy/Cologaurd last TIME ago She had her LMP TIME She has never had a bone density scan She had a bone density scan last TIME ago. It was normal. Positive for osteoperosis/osteopenia Gynecologic: External Genitalia: External Genitalia exam reveals no lesions, condylomata, or rash. There is no abnormality. Labia are within normal limits with no lesions. No evidence of atrophy. Introitus Examination: Introitus examination reveals introitus is normal with no abnormalities. Vaginal Exam: Vaginal vault exam reveals no abnormalities, no bleeding from apex or cervical os, no signs and symptoms of infection. Urethral Meatus: On examination,urethral meatus has no retraction, hypospadias, or discharge noted. No other abnormalities noted. Urethra Exam: Examination of urethra shows no abnormalities. Bladder Exam: Bladder examination reveals no abnormalities; no mass or tenderness noted. Cervix Examination: Cervix examination is normal with respect to structural abnormality(s), infection or malignant changes. Uterus Examination: Examination of uterus reveals completely normal uterus with normal size, shape, contour, position and no bleeding or any other discharge. Digital Rectal Examination: Rectal Examination reveals normal sphincter tone without presence of hemorrhoids or masses. Anus and Perineum Exam: Anus and perineum exam is completely normal with no tenderness, fissures, edema, dimples, hemorrhoids and any other abnormalities. Examination for Ovulation: Examination for ovulation is not indicated. Breast Inspection: On inspection of the breasts, both the breasts, nipples and skin over them is normal with no structural abnormality, infection or malignant changes Breast Palpation: Breasts are symmetric without dominant mass, nipple discharge or axillary lymphadenopathy. General appearance: The patient is well-developed, well-nourished, and in no cardiorespiratory distress. <HE/SHE> is alert and oriented to time, place, and person. The patient ambulates to the examination room without assistance. <HE/SHE> is able to sit comfortably on the examination table without difficulty or evidence of pain. Head: Normocephalic and atraumatic. No deformities, lesions or mass. Skin: Gross inspection of skin demonstrates no evidence of abnormality. Hair and nails are also normal. Skin is warm and dry. Gastrointestinal: Soft and nontender. Audible bowel sounds. No organomegaly. No visible scars, hernias or sinuses are seen. Respiratory: Good air movement bilaterally. Lungs are clear to auscultation. No wheezes, rales, rubs or rhonchi are noted. Cardiovascular: PMI is nondisplaced and normal in character, no heave or abnormal pulsation. Normal sinus rhythm. Distinct S1 and S2. No audible click, murmur, gallop or rub. A&P: A/P done. PAP done and sent to lab. Patient to RTO in 1 year for A/P Cultures done for STI screen. Advised and ordered mammogram. Advised and ordered bone density scan Advised colonoscopy. Referred to gastroenterologist Advised and ordered cologaurd PHQ-9 done. No f/u needed / Refer to APEX / Patient is undergoing treatment
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