CAUTION: This page needs to be reviewed and categorized.Affect: [checklist name="involved" value="Family|PCG|Youth"] appeared [select name="affect1" value="engaged|disengaged|content|discontent|calm|frustrated"] during session as evidenced by [checklist name="variable_1" value="maximumal participation in discussion|calm tones|active participation in dialogue|relaxed dialogue"] Action Plan: [checkbox name="init" value="Initial Session"] [var name="invovled"] discussed progress towards goals set on action plan and reported [radio name="ap_prog" value="goals are still appropriate and progress is being made|goals have been met and family will update action plan at next session|goals have been met and family updated action plan today"] [var name="invovled"] MENTAL STATUS EXAM: General:[checkbox name="variable_11" value="alert and oriented in all spheres|obtunded|disoriented"] Behavior - general:[checkbox name="variable_13" value="in no acute distress|in acute psychological distress"] Behavior - stability:[checkbox name="variable_14" value="calm|agitated"] Behavior - interactivity:[checkbox name="variable_15" value="warm with comments and behavior|interactive|withdrawn"] Behavior - eye contact:[checkbox name="variable_15" value="eye contact good|eye contact fair|eye contact avoidant"] Mood/Affect - stated:[checkbox name="variable_16" value="normal|upbeat|euthymic|depressed"] Mood/Affect - emotional range:[checkbox name="variable_17" value="normal|broad|restricted"] Mood/Affect - intensity:[checkbox name="variable_18" value="normal|expansive|blunted|flat"] Mood/Affect - congruence:[checkbox name="variable_19" value="mood is congruent with affect|mood and affect are not congruent"] Thought form and content:[checkbox name="variable_20" value="normal|future oriented|logical, linear and goal-oriented|past oriented and somber|goal directed|scattered|hopeful|remorseful|enthusiastic|resigned"] Attention:[checkbox name="variable_21" value="no difficulty with attention or concentration|had some attentional and concentration problems session"] Perception - insight:[checkbox name="variable_22" value="normal insight|poor insight"] Perception - general:[checkbox name="variable_23" value=normal|denied any preoccupations, obsessions, delusions, hallucinations or perceptual disturbances"] Cognition/Memory:[checkbox name="variable_24" value="normal|grossly intact|below average|above average"] Cognition/Memory - abstraction:[checkbox name="variable_25" value="normal ability to abstract|difficulty with abstract thought|inability for abstract thought"] Judgment:[checkbox name="variable_26" value="normal|good|poor|"] Suicide/Assault:[checkbox name="variable_27" value="no current or past ideation or intent|denies an active sense of wanting to harm self or others|present but without intent or plan|resolved"] Recent circumstances that have lead to client involvement are [comment memo="triggering or provoking events and circumstances how and why these factors have affected the presentation of the client"] [checkbox name="trgEvents" value="mental illness|substance use|physical illness|medication adherence|housingproblems|employment problems|financial problems|problems with primary supports|problems with non-primary supports|non-access to healthcare|cultural concerns|unsecure basic needs|maladaptive coping mechanisms|losses|Criminal Charges"] [comment memo="other triggering events, response to events – feeling defeated/humiliated/provoked etc"] [textarea name="precipitating" default=""] Contributing lifetime experiences have been [comment memo="describe how and why the client’s lifetime experiences have contributed to the development of the current problems including: developmental factors, family history and relationships, psyhological and functional issues, social problems,substance use,history of illness and repsone to treatment and interventions"] [textarea name="predisposing" default=""] Some of the factors that keep these issues going are [comment memo="potential contributors that maintain the problem or may worsen the problem if not addressed such as insight, personality style, vulnerabilities, co-occurring conditions, employment status, lack of social supports, peer group, family attitudes, beliefs about behaviors"] [textarea name="perpetuating" default=""] [var name="cxName"]’s strengths/protective factors are [textarea name="protective" default=""] [var name="cxName"]’s goals are [comment memo="how the client understands the current situation and presentation, what do they want now and what are their goals they want to work towards"] [textarea name="cxGoals" default=""] Given the above, the current treatment plan includes [comment memo="area of focus for care and planning and possible interventions"] [textarea name="txPlan" default=""] The first individual counseling or gruop session is scheduled for [text name="indDate" default=""] at [text name="indTime" default=""] [checkbox name="indAmPm" value="AM|PM"] A psychiatric evaluation is [select name="PsychEval" value="Not reccomended at this time|Reccomended|Completed"] [conditional field="PsychEval" condition="(PsychEval).is('Reccomended')"] based off assessment scheduled for [text name="psyDate" default=""] at [text name="psyTime" default=""][checkbox name="psyAmPm" value="AM|PM"] [/conditional]
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