
CAUTION: This page needs to be reviewed and categorized.
Considering Prior Probability: "Given the patient's demographics, medical history, and presenting symptoms, what is the prior probability of [specific diagnosis]?"
Incorporating New Evidence: "How does the [test result/physical exam finding] update our probability of [specific diagnosis]?"
Quantifying Uncertainty: "Based on the available information, what is our current level of confidence (percentage) in the diagnosis of [specific diagnosis]?"
Differential Diagnosis: "Considering the updated probabilities, what are the top three most likely diagnoses in the differential?"
Next Steps: "Given our updated understanding, what additional tests or information would be most helpful in further refining the diagnosis?"

Ensure next steps are evidence based and include the grade level of evidence for each step
Considering Prior Probability: "Given the patient's demographics, medical history, and presenting symptoms, what is the prior probability of [specific diagnosis]?"
Incorporating New Evidence: "How does the [test result/physical exam finding] update our probability of [specific diagnosis]?"
Quantifying Uncertainty: "Based on the available information, what is our current level of confidence (percentage) in the diagnosis of [specific diagnosis]?"
Differential Diagnosis: "Considering the updated probabilities, what are the top three most likely diagnoses in the differential?"
Next Steps: "Given our updated understanding, what additional tests or information would be most helpful in further refining the diagnosis?"

Ensure next steps are evidence based and include the grade level of evidence for each step

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