CAUTION: This page needs to be reviewed and categorized.DISPATCH: [textarea name= “default=""] CHIEF COMPLAINT: [textarea name="variable_2" default=""] Secondary Complaints:[text name="5" size = 55 default=""] HISTORY: Medical History: [textarea name="variable_6" default=""] Allergies: [checkbox name="variable_1" value="Unknown/ Unable to Obtain"] [text name="7" size = 55 default=""] Medication: [checkbox name="variable_1" value="Unknown, Unable to Obtain"] [text name="8" size = 55 default=""] Events Leading Up to Injury/Illness:[text name="9" size = 55 default=""] Onset of Illness/Injury:[text name="10" size = 55 default=""] ASSESSMENT: Mechanism of Injury/Illness [text name="10" size = 55 default=""] General Impression/Appearance of Patient [text name="10" size = 55 default=""] Airway: [checkbox name="Airway" value="Open and Patent|Compromised|Manually Opened Airway|Requires Airway Management Device"][text name="10" size = 55 default=""] Breathing: [checkbox name="Breathing" value="Adequate Depth and Rate|Shallow Respiration|Deep Respirations|Slow Respirations|Fast Respirations|Apneic"] Skin Color/Condition: [checkbox name="1234321" value="Pink, Warm, and Dry|Pale|Cool|Diaphoretic|Flushed|Cyanotic|Jaundiced|Lividity"]Provocation: [text name="11" size = 55 default=""] Quality of Pain: [text name="12" size = 55 default=""] Radiation of Pain: [text name="13" size = 55 default=""]
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