CAUTION: This page needs to be reviewed and categorized.PATIENT: |PATIENT NAME FIRST,LAST| |PATIENT SSN| ADMIT DATE: |ADMISSION DATE| ADMIT DX: |ADMITTING DX| ID |PATIENT NAME FIRST,LAST| is a |PATIENT AGE| year-old |PATIENT SEX| admitted for |ADMITTING DX|. 24 HOUR EVENTS TELE SUBJECTIVE In the subjective section, start the note by identifying previous notes that were reviewed by referencing the past notes into the current note. However, copying and pasting previous notes should be avoided given the risks of inclusion of irrelevant or inaccurate information as well as the risk of excessively long notes. Ensure the documentation of the patient’s chief complaint(s) and any new problems are clearly stated. Also, document the patient’s degree of adherence to the treatment plans from the previous visits. PROBLEM LIST BRIEF OBJECTIVE VITALS PHYSICAL EXAM Ins: Outs: Total ACTIVE MEDICATIONS LABS |HS:SCL1-CBC-AFTER10/14-5;10Y| |LAB-SODIUM;1;1Y| |LAB-POTASSIUM;1;1Y| |LAB-CHLORIDE;1;1Y| |LAB-CO2;1;1Y| |LAB-BUN;1;1Y| |LAB-CREATININE;3;1Y| |LAB-GLUCOSE;1;1Y| |LAB-CALCIUM;1;1Y| |LAB-MAGNESIUM;1;1Y| |LAB-PHOSPHORUS;1;1Y| |LAB-PROTEIN,TOTAL;3;1Y| |LAB-ALBUMIN;1;1Y| |LAB-AST;1;1Y| |LAB-ALT;1;1Y| |LAB-ALK PHOS;1;1Y| |LAB-BILIRUBIN,TOTAL;1;1Y| |LAB-PT;3;1Y| |LAB-PTT;3;1Y| |LAB-INR;3;1Y| |LAB-A1C;1;1Y| |LIPID PROFILE| |LAB-UA;1;1Y| RELEVANT CULTURES RELEVANT IMAGING RELEVANT EKG/ ECHO RELEVANT PROCEDURES RELEVANT PATHOLOGY ASSESSMENT AND PLAN PREP is a common mnemonic used in speaking which stands for Point, Reason, Example, Point. I think a modified version can help here. Instead of Problem, Status, Plan, you can use PREP: Problem, Reason (etiology), Evaluation (status), Plan If you don’t know the etiology, you can write, “unknown” or “likely due to”. If you know you use 2/2. Write an effective problem statement. 2. Write out a detailed list of problems From history, physical exam, vitals, labs, radiology, any studies or procedures done, microbiology write out a list of problems or impressions. 3. Combine problems Instead of doing a problem based where you list every single problem, try to combine the problems and either used a system based approach or an approach that links primary problems with secondary problems that are likely caused by the primary problems or go together and are treated together. |PATIENT NAME| is a |PATIENT AGE| year old |PATIENT SEX| veteran admitted for |ADMITTING DX| Principal Diagnosis ACTIVE Comorbidities Other Comorbidities CHECKLIST Diet: Analgesia: DVT PPx' GI Ulcer PPx Bowel Regimen Glycemic Control Antibiotics Sleep Regimen Lines Drains Folley Disposition Code Status
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