Interventions and actions
CAUTION: This page needs to be reviewed and categorized.CIS met with [text name="variable_1" default="First Name"] [text name="variable_2" default="Last Name"] (DOB:[text name="variable_3" default="Date of Birth"]) [checkbox name="variable_1" value="at Cross Roads Case Management|at cleints home| via Telehelth"] to work on clients[checkbox name="variable_2" value="Intake|ISP|Crisis Plan|ANSA|Mental Health Goals|Housing Goals|Substance Use Goals|Healthcare Goals|Legal Goals|Financial Goals|Educational Goals|Daily Living Skills|Transportation Goals|Social Goals|Spiritual Goals|Outreach Goals"]. [checkbox name="variable_3" value="CIS assisted cleint in submitting aplications for"][select name="variable_1" value="Housing|Finicnal Assitance|Educational Assitance"] through [select name="variable_3" value="KVCAPP|KBH|Penquis CAP|Section 8|Social Security|Unemployemnt|Vocational Rehab"] [checkbox name="variable_4" value="CIS assisted cleint in linkage to"] [select name="variable_2" value="Mental Health Services|DLS Services|Career Supports Service|Educational Resources"] [checkbox name="variable_5" value="CIS assisted cleint in submitting aplications for|CIS assisted cleint in linkage to|CIS submitted refferal for|CIS updated and completed|CIS and cleint discussed"] [checkbox name="variable_6" value="CIS assisted cleint in submitting aplications for|CIS assisted cleint in linkage to|CIS submitted refferal for|CIS updated and completed|CIS and cleint discussed"]
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