CAUTION: This page needs to be reviewed and categorized.[text name="variable_1" default="Client name"] is a [text name="variable_2" default=""]-year-old [select name="variable_3" value="highschoool student|university student|full-time worker|part-time worker|unemployed individual"], presenting with symptoms of [select name="variable_4" value="persistent|occasional"] [select name="variable_5" value="anxiety|depressive episodes|emotional outbursts|sleep problems|weight or appetite changes"], which they report have been [select name="variable_6" value="lessening|intensifying"] over the past [select name="variable_7" value="3|6|12"] months. They described feeling overwhelmed by [select name="variable_8" value="university|work|household"] demands, experiencing [select name="variable_18" value="persistent|occasional"] struggles with [select name="variable_9" value="irritability|insomnia|social withdrawal|feelings of worthlessness|suicidal thoughts"]. They noted a history of [select name="variable_10" value="generalised anxiety disorder|major depression|bipolar disorder|substance abuse|borderline personality disorder|schizophrenia|binge eating disorder|post-traumatic stress disorder|suicidal thoughts"], which they managed with [select name="variable_11" value="therapy|medication|therapy and medication"] in the past but has not sought help recently. They have [select name="variable_12" value="no|a small friend|a large friend|a small family|a large family"] support system, and they feel increasingly [select name="variable_13" value="isolated|socially connected"]. They expressed a [select name="variable_14" value="strong interest|disinterest"] in developing coping strategies and exploring therapeutic options to manage their symptoms. During the session, they appeared [select name="variable_15" value="engaged and motivated|disengaged and demotivated"], and we discussed initial goals for therapy, including [text name="variable_16" default=""]. A treatment plan will be developed in subsequent sessions, with a focus on addressing [text name="variable_17" default=""].
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