CAUTION: This page needs to be reviewed and categorized.PROGRESS NOTE FOR DATE OF SERVICE: [date name="DOS"] Patient Name: [text name="NAME"] Date of Birth: [text name="DOB"] Total Time: [text name="TIME"] - minute follow up E/M, medication management, coordination of care and psychotherapy SUBJECTIVE Chief Complaint: [text name="NAME"] presents today for follow up [textarea name="CC"] History of Present Illness: [textarea name="HPI"] Mental Health Updates: [textarea name="MHUPDATE"] Discussed with [text name="NAME"], [textarea name="DISCUSSION"] Social History (recent/updates): [textarea name="SOCIAL"] Family History (recent or past pertinent): [textarea name="FAMILY"] Medical & Surgical (recent updates): [textarea name="MEDSURG"] REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Systems review discussed with the patient on the date of present visit. All historical data remain unchanged from intake H&P, with no recent new outside treatments or preventative care reported, any pertinent updates and all related systems or constitutional changes are reserved and provided as reported at present visit in the HPI above. H&P review: [date name="DOS"] Reviewed pertinent aspects of history of present illness obtained at the time of patient's intake: yes Reviewed prior visit's pertinent findings at today's: yes Recent educational, vocational, and social history updates: yes Exceptions, updates & information discussed: see above OBJECTIVE Mental Status Exam: [textarea name="MSE"] Physical Exam: [textarea name="PE"] Vital Signs: Height: [text name="ht"] Weight: [text name="wt"] BP: [text name="b"]/[text name="p"] RESP: [text name="r"] HR: [text name="hr"] PAIN LEVEL: [text name="pain"]/ 10 Labs requested: none at this time
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