syphillis tertiary
CAUTION: This page needs to be reviewed and categorized.Tertiary syphilis symptoms history: [checklist name=""Symptoms" value="early neurosyphilis - symtomatic syphilitic meningitis resembles aseptic meningitis may include fever, headache, stiff neck with basilar involvement, cranial nerve abnormalities (*CNII (Visual acuity),VI (follow finger to nose trochlear), VIII(auditory rub fingers)| ocular syphilis-uveitis anterior, posterior, or panuveitis; lid involvement,episcleritis,vitrtis, papilliatis, "] -Symptoms started [text size="3"] [select value="day(s)|week(s)|hour(s)|month(s)|year(s)"] ago.[text size="80"]. -Related activities or events that occured at or right before symptoms started: [text size="80"].
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