Suggestions, Warnings, & Privacy Policy

The sections of this guide are:

  1. Features and content on the site may be updated, modified, removed, or deleted without notice.
  2. Since 2008, this site has served as a sandbox to make, test, and share forms, calculators, and decision tools. The site is offered free of charge without any guarantee, either explicit or implicit.
  3. Users are *STRONGLY* advised to save their personal content to secure locations.
  4. Users may temporarily save output to a Scratchpad.
  5. Users may save and retrieve their work using CSV files on their computer. 
  6. No content from the site should be construed as recommendations or advice for providers or patients.
  7. Comments are subject to moderation and deletion.
  8. Because anyone can post on the site, there is no guarantee about the accuracy of the content of the site.  Users should personally verify the content of the pages they use.
  9. This site will not work as an electronic health record (EHR) and is not intended to be used as an electronic health record. Attempts to use the site as an electronic health record or to store protected health information will fail and/or result in deletion of the information.
  10. If you prefer to work without ads, for a small donation we will set up ad free access to the site for a year. Donations keep this site going.
  11. The site privacy policy is here.