Delivery Note
On [date name="variable_1" default="03-29-2023"] at [text name="variable_2" default="Time"], this [text name="variable_3" default="Age"], [text name="variable_4" default="Race"], G[text name="variable_5" default=""]P[text name="variable_6" default=""], Group B Strep [select name="variable_7" value="positive|negative"] female under [select name="variable_8" value="epidural|pudendal|local|no"] anesthesia delivered a viable [select name="variable_9" value="male|female"] infant weighing [text name="variable_10" default=""] with APGAR scores of [text name="variable_11" default=""] and [text name="variable_12" default=""] at [text name="variable_13" default=""] and [text name="variable_14" default=""] minutes respectively. Delivery was via [select name="variable_15" value="spontaneous vaginal delivery|low transverse c-section|classical c-section"]. Infant was [select name="variable_16" value="bulb|DeLee"] suctioned at [select name="variable_17" value="perineum|delivery"]. Cord was clamped and cut and infant was placed on the mothers chest. Cord blood was collected and sent for analysis. [select name="variable_18" value="Intact|Fragmented|Meconium stained"] placenta with [select name="variable_19" value="2|3"] vessel cord was delivered [select name="variable_20" value="spontaneously|by manual extraction"] at [text name="variable_21" default="time"]. [text name="variable_22" default="Amount"] of [select name="variable_23" value="carboprost|methylergonovine|pitocin"] was given. There was [text name="variable_24" default="Laceration"] that required repair with [text name="variable_25" default="Type of Suture"]. Estimated blood loss was [text name="variable_26" default="Amount"] mL. Patient remains in delivery room in stable condition. Infant remains with mother and is also in stable condition at this time.
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