Urinary Tract Infection HPI
CC: Any frequency, urgency, and dysuria? Any fever, nausea, vomiting, hematuria, urinary incontinence, and foul-smelling urine: If there is pain, where is it located: Lower abdominal or suprapubic areas? Low back pain or flank pain? Urethral pain? Has the pt had many UTIs? Is the pt sexually active? In pts with complaints of vaginal discharge? Hx of STI/STD? Contraceptive use of barrier methods such as condoms or diaphragms with spermicides can cause local irritation, which may lead to dysuria? Some pts can have an allergic reaction to latex condoms. Any possibility of pregnancy? Has the pt had any recent trauma to the urogenital tract? Any recent instrumentation or catheterization? presence of air with urination (pneumaturia)? Is there a history of abdominal or pelvic surgeries?
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