Vaginitis Plan
[select value="Vaginitis|Bacterial vaginosis|Candida vaginitis|Gardnerella vaginitis|Trichomonas vaginitis|Herpes vaginitis|Cervicitis|PID"] Additional testing [checkbox value="pelvic ultrasound|CBC|pregnancy test|sed rate|none"] Treatment: [checkbox value="observe|over the counter antifungal preparation|diflucan orally|metronidazole orally|metronidazole vaginally|clindamycin vaginally|azithromycin orally|doxycycline orally|other treatment"] [text size=80] Education: [checkbox value="Follow up as needed|Follow up if worsening|Follow up in 1-2 weeks|Follow up for test of cure|Side effects/interactions of medications|Cautioned patient to consume no alcohol during course of treatment and including 72 hours after completion of treatment"]
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